10 Things People Hate About Thanksgiving


I love Thanksgiving to pieces. To absolute pieces.


“Who wouldn’t love Thanksgiving?” I pondered. Apparently, there are a few out there.

A quick Googling (not ogling) revealed the haters. Here’s a quick compilation of some their complaints.

  1. Carving Birds. Don’t take the hate out on the bird. It gave its life so you could have a nice nap later in the afternoon. Take tips from the amazing Alton Brown, Turkey Carving 101.
  2. Working Out. According to Livestrong, the average American consumes 4,500 calories on Thanksgiving Day. That’s more than double the average daily amount. Working out will come later. One day isn’t going to kill the waistline–the other 364 days will.
  3. Giving Thanks. Isn’t it easier to just complain? For some, yes, maybe it is. But for the haters of Thanksgiving, giving thanks is quite the chore.
  4. Watching Football. I’m not a sports fan either, but there’s something about the simple recipe of 1) the sound of a football game and 2) turkey in my belly that gives me one of the best naps of the year. Ahhhhh.
  5. Eating Food. Complaints abounded about the nasty nasty food. Who are these people that hate this goodness?
  6. Slowing Down. Can’t-sit-stillers apparently would rather be at work.
  7. Traveling Stress. One point haters. Yes, it can be stressful to travel. Here’s 7 Tips to Avoid Holiday Travel Stress.
  8. Bragging Guests. Uncle Joe always brags. He’s a bragger. It’s what he does… even when it’s not Thanksgiving.
  9. Shopping Advertisements. Have you seen the Kohl’s Black Friday commercial with the Rebecca Black “Friday” song. Whew. I’ll agree with this one. It is a bit annoying.
  10. Seating Arrangements. It seems that some people just don’t like being told where to sit. Unless you’re at the kid-table and you’re over 21, suck it up and eat your turkey.

Happiest of Thanksgivings to you all.

Enjoy. Celebrate. Share.

If each of us chose to make a list of gratefulness, it would far exceed the silly list above.

What’s your take on Turkey Day?


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